3rd Editorial Board (2023-2024)
In 2023, PhD students Tom Cumming as Editor-in-Chief, Gastón Rijo de León as Head of Submissions, Maite Freire Delgado as Head of Website and Illustrations, Nicole Bertola as Head of Copy Editing and Translation, and Remigiusz Walocha as Head of Social Media oversaw the development of Piplettes.
2nd Editorial Board (2022-2023)
In 2022, PhD students Anqi Zhou, Amandine Maire, Devon Conti, Daniela Gaspar Santos, and Antonin Verdier continued Piplettes

Founding Team and 1st Editorial Board (2021-2022)
As PhD students from Institut Pasteur, Miruna Costreie, Chiara Figazzolo, Maria Llach Pou, and Camille Thiberge launched Piplettes in September 2021 as the first student-lead science communication platform at Institut Pasteur. The idea of the project emerged in the dorms of Cité Universitaire, while the name came to life during scientific experiments in the cell culture room. Merging four very different personalities with a passion for science communication, the founding team established the pipeline for the editorial process and published the first interviews and articles. During this time they also built a solid collaboration with the Educational Department and Direction of Communication at the Institut, as well as with ComSciCon France and students at the Paris Art School.

Thank you!
The Piplettes team is extremely grateful to all those who have contributed to this project.
For their constant support, help and articipation in the project since its inception, the team would like to thank the Head of the Graduate Office Dr Deshmukh Gopaul, the Dean of the PPU program Dr Cecilia Patitucci, the former Deans of the PPU program Dr Susanna Celli and Dr Nathalie Pardigon, and the Director of the Education Department Dr Monica Sala.
For their positive appreciation of Piplettes, the their constructive feedback, their collaboration, and assistance in setting up the project, the Piplettes team thanks the entire Communication Department, namely editorial managers Eliza Jones and Aurélien Coustillac, web team manager Hervé Bichot, Institut Pasteur communications manager Florence Percie du Sert and director of communications - scientific mediation Dr Jean-François Chambon. For their artistic contribution and logo design, the Piplettes team would like to thank Alba Llach Pou and Mălin Neamțu.
For the use of their network, the Piplettes team thanks the Department of Education, the PPU Committee, StaPa, Dr Mariana Mesel-Lemoine and MAASCC.
Finally, the Piplettes team would like to extend special thanks to all the first authors (Courtney Thomas, Olivier Postal, Dr Anaïs Chapel, Maylis Layan), specialist editors (Dr Jake Wintermute, Prof Hervé Bourhy, Dr Sarah Temmam, Dr Marco Vignuzzi, Prof Dominique Franco), copy-editors (Dr Cassandra Koh, Kyrie Grasekamp, Elsa Charifou, Jang-Mi Kim), translators (Yann Aquino, Enzo Peroni, Marion Rincel, Emile Auria) and illustrators (Alicia Calvo Villamanan, Sunny Pydugadu) for agreeing to help produce the pilot issue. Piplettes would not have been possible without them!